What is it?

Tokenomics in gamefi is compared to a kind of monetary policy applied to game projects on blockchain, helping to provide information for factor and context analysis before investing in these game projects and, at the same time regulating the cash flow in the gaming ecosystem. gamefi. Provision of Tokens

  • Total Supply: the total amount of tokens in circulation and blocked minus the number of tokens burned.

  • Circulating Supply: the total amount of tokens in circulation in the market.

  • Maximum Supply: The total Supply that will exist, including tokens that will be mined or made available.

To stimulate the game's community, we will reward players with one of the highest percentages of token allocation, making the collection fun and mainly the community's engagement with the DATA2073 ecosystem to be maintained for a long time.

We are aware of the inflationary risks arising from this type of activity, so we have mechanisms to control and burn tokens, ensuring that our target value is always kept close to the center of the goal.

We want the ecosystem to be valued so that we will provide several resource input streams, described within this whitepaper, and we will also launch game modes so that there is an appreciation of collectibles within the game with each new season.

The incentive to grow the game ecosystem 35% of total tokens

We are committed to developing a consistent and consolidated ecosystem for the DATA2073 project.

Aiming at this, in addition to being concerned with the gameplay, fun, and competitiveness of games, we go further; our platform will encourage the entry of other game modes so that your engagement does not decrease over time; on the contrary, it increases and helps the community growing more and more.

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