On the DATA2073 platform, players must be matched with other players when they enter the PVP arena. The player will then have a chance to earn DATA and Energy tokens after winning the battle. Players with higher ratings can get more game rewards. Furthermore, DATA and Energy tokens can be sold or exchanged through the marketplace so that players can profit from them.

PVP has a variety of battles:

  • AI battles (daily)

  • Ranked competitions (monthly)

  • Aegis Tournaments (fortnightly)

In PVP, if the player wins, he will receive Energy or DATA tokens according to his rank in the PVP ranking. Likewise, a higher rank will allow players to earn more Energy or DATA tokens through PVP. The DATA2073 platform will reward daily and monthly. Remember, Energy or DATA tokens can be traded on the market so players can profit from them in real life.

Last updated