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Note: The DATA2073 priorities, roadmaps, and features are subject to change based on research, traction, and feedback from the community as well as a number of other factors.
The DATA2073 universe will provide players with a never-before-seen experience in terms of game and economy, bringing a synergy between the two parts and making players escape the "play to win" scope. And give players the "play and win" experience by making earnings a spice to complement the spectacular universe of DATA2073, allowing players to experience the happiness and economic value made possible by GameFi with a shallow entry low cost.
Early DATA2073 players will have ways to take full advantage of our ecosystem's initial process. For example, we have a reward mechanism to invite friends and share the game. In addition, DATA2073 offers token reward forms for game modes, player types, investors, and various market verticals.
Of course, in addition to the fun game, the card collecting part also has value. Players can obtain these cards by collecting, fighting, trading, crafting (factories), or synthesizing (+quality).
Play and Earn is one of the core philosophies of DATA2073, where the experience of playing, having fun, and competing is ahead of pure token revenue, establishing an immersive gaming experience and a healthy and consistent economic system within its metaverse.
The DATA2073 platform's style differs from standard tokenized games; this metaverse experience combines DeFi, blockchain, and Tokens to create an experience that breaks through barriers of countries and bureaucracies, bringing a consistent WEB 3.0 experience to the gaming industry.
This fleshes out the concept of 'Tokens + Gamification + DeFi.' Cards in the DATA2073 metaverse manifest themselves as Tokens, where they are created and valued on the blockchain network and feature a range of gameplay within the game itself.